What I’m Writing & Thinking About

Snapshots of articles written for academia, but currently being translated and edited for a popular audience.

Final drafts coming soon.

  • The Power of “Pride”: Representation & Resistance in Popular Advertising

    What happens when queer activism runs into the capitalist economy? When the market responds to issues of social, political, and environmental justice? I explore how the growing reconfiguration of political and social order through neoliberal market logic is changing what it means, and what it looks like, to resist.

  • From Songs to Social: the Mediums of Civil Rights Movements

    Examining how different types of media facilitate social change, I trace the role of collective singing in the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s to hashtag campaigns like #BlackLivesMatter on social media platforms in the 21st century.

  • Unlikely Orientations: Who Gets to Explore the "Wilderness"?

    Exploring the history of exclusionary mythologies in the concept of the "wilderness" and how these imaginaries are perpetuated through media, language, and representation.

  • Visible Values: "Femvertising" and the Rise of Marketable Feminism

    Tracing the history of feminism as a commodity — from an idea to an identity to a product — I look at contemporary marketing campaigns to understand the relationship of popular culture, feminism, and social change.

  • The Passing Glance: Film and the Fluidity of Intersectional Identities

    Examining how Rebecca Hall’s 2021 film “Passing” disrupts the stability of traditional concepts of identity through a kind of “racial transgenderism” and opens up space for a different type of gaze in order to call into question the construction of race and identity.

  • Social Media and the Communication Conundrum

    Exploring the paradox of communication – “at once a bridge and chasm” (Peters, 1999) — as we contend with an increasingly mediated world, and the risks of our reliance on social media platforms incentivized by profit to be a primary communication bridge to the organizing forces in our lives.